
schematic drawing中文是什么意思

  • 示意图
  • 图解图, 略图
  • 图式画



  • 例句与用法
  • Figure 12-16 is a schematic drawing that illustrates the processing steps .
  • Figure 12 - 16 is a schematic drawing that illustrates the processing steps
    图12 - 16是生产流程的示意图。
  • Remote control gear with transmission tubing for manual operation ; symbols for schematic drawings
  • For each significant computerized system , it may be helpful to prepare or oed schematic drawing of the attendant hardware
  • The metropolitan government levies taxes on 16 items among the local taxes shown in the schematic drawing of the local tax system
  • Keep in mind a downward slope is required to aid draining and prevent damage to the sillcock due to freezing ( see schematic drawing above )
    要记住保持所需的一定斜度,以帮助排泄和防止由于冰冻而损坏洒水龙头(参阅上列示意图) 。
  • As shown on the schematic drawing on the right , the closing member ( stem and disc assembly ) of the figure 85 or 90m frostproof sillcock operates by turning the handle in a clockwise manner to close and counter - clockwise to open
    正如右侧示意图所示,型号85或90m防冻洒水龙头上最靠近的部件(阀杆和阀瓣总成) ,是通过顺时针方向旋转手柄来实现旋转关闭和逆时针方向旋转开启。
  • The main topic of the thesis is talking about the security services of x - pdm , the realization of the security scheme , and the automatic understanding for electronic circuit schematic drawings , which is the key technology of document management in x - pdm
    本文的主要内容涉及x - pdm系统的安全服务及其实现方案的设计,以及图档管理关键技术之电子电路原理图自动输入与理解系统的研究。
  • A new method which carried out the self - assembly of drug - loading nanoparticles and stent by comprehensively applying the micro - forces such as dielectrophoretic force , capillary force , and hydrophobic force is put forward , and the self - assembly process schematic drawing is given
  • The forth part introduces the hardware design of embedded remote watching based on wavelet video compression . the schematic drawing and the circuit board is presented . up to now the image can been outputted through the circuit board
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 英文解释
  • diagram of an electrical or mechanical system

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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